If you have an account in Absher, you do not need to register again. And if there is no account, you must register and activate your account through Absher page. For the registration and activation process in Absher click here
Choose "Forgot Password?", and enter the required data to recover your password.
If you are Absher's registered and activated user, you can just login to Absher Business portal with your Absher login data.
If you do not have an account in Absher or not activated, please click here to register, and to view the activation channels click here.
You can change your e-mail by logging on and follow these steps:
1. Log on to the portal
2. Select Electronic Services
3. Select My Account
4. Choose Edit User Data
5. Click Settings to edit and change the email
6. After finishing editing, click the Edit button to save your new email
To reset your password login to Absher and follow these steps:
- Choose sign in
- Enter your ID number, your mobile number that is registered in Absher and image code.
- Click on next.
- Select one of secret questions.
- Write the secret answer.
- Click on next.
- A verification code will be sent to your registered mobile number. Write the code inside its field.
- Insert the new password and confirm it.
- Click on agree.
Absher Business
Absher Business is a platform to provide services to individuals' establishments of which workforce does not exceed 100 workers.
The following services can be executed through Absher Business
- Issuing Resident ID (to issue the resident IDs for the employees sponsored by the subscriber's establishment)
- Renewing Resident ID (to renew the resident IDs for the employees sponsored by the subscriber's establishment)
- Services (sponsorship) Transfer (to transfer the services to one of the subscriber's establishments, after the ministry of labor's e-approval)
- Profession Change (to change the profession for the employees sponsored by one of the subscriber's establishments, after the ministry of labor's e-approval)
- Issuing exit-re-entry visa (to issue both multiple and single exit-re-entry visa for the employees sponsored by the subscriber's establishment)
- Cancelling exit-re-entry visa (to cancel exit-re-entry visa issued for the employees sponsored by the subscriber's establishment)
- Issuing final-exit visa (to issue final-exit visa for the employees sponsored by the subscriber's establishment)
- Cancelling final-exit visa (to cancel final-exit visa issued for the employees sponsored by the subscriber's establishment)
- Authorisation to use Absher Business (to enable a subscriber to delegate others to execute the services on his behalf during a time period to be determined him)
- Document Delivery Services (it enables a subscriber to request delivery of documents that have been processed through Absher, according to pre-set conditions by the delivery service provider with payable fees)
Additional services will be updated and added gradually to the Absher Business platform in the coming period
Yes it is available through the authorisation service, where the services to be delegated to an employee can also be specified
No, they are not available currently through Absher App for smartphones; but they will be provided and announced later.