
Number of "Absher" users exceeds 22 million

Thursday 17 June 2021

The number of documented users of Absher platform has exceeded 22 million customers, benefiting from more than 280 various services provided by the platform to the citizens and residents through (Absher Individuals), (Absher Business) and (Absher Government).

Through its website and “Absher” app., the platform enables the service beneficiaries to execute their transactions online, without the need to visit the government departments providing the services.

The three Absher platforms: (Absher Individuals), (Absher Businesses) and (Absher Government) link several government sectors and individuals, saving effort and time for citizens and residents, and helping in developing many new services to be provided online.

It is worth noting that the platform provides its services to many MoI sectors, such as the General Directorate of Passports, the Civil Affairs, the General Administration of Prisons, the Public Security and other sectors.

The platform is designed according to the latest capabilities and technologies to accommodate the large numbers of users, and serve them faster and more clearly.

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